Message from the HOD

Teaching at ATTC has been a wonderful experience for over two decades. ATTC has genuinely helped the society not just by imparting technical education to the youth but has significantly contributed to employing the youths through campus interviews in various national and multinational companies

Department of Manufacturing Technology at ATTC gives emphasis on holistic development of a youth who has interest in design and manufacturing for modern industries. We have strived to our best to place our graduates in various industries. Many pass-outs have shown interest in higher studies and have successfully completed their B.Tech and M. Tech from reputed universities.

ATTC has state-of-the-art machine labs and design facilities which helps in developing the skills and knowledge of every student.

Our faculty are well balanced in various fields of Manufacturing and they are placed in the department to handle various aspects of Manufacturing Technology. We give opportunity for ever faculty for upgrading their skill through regular training Programs.

I welcome aspiring students to take up this course and make their career in the field of manufacturing.

Lochan Kumar Adhikari,
B. E ( Mechanical), M.Tech (Mechatronics), C. Engg. IE(I)